Five programming languages ​​that will be with us for a long time

Currently, not many languages ​​are used in software development, and many of them will be relevant for a long time. 

The fact is that introducing a new programming language into a ready-made ecosystem is not easy: you need to either figure out how to ensure their compatibility or rebuild everything. Consider the five programming languages ​​that will be with us for a long time because of this.

Five programming languages ​​that will be with us for a long time

C / C ++

Two fairly old languages ​​that are still capable of many things. C ++ is constantly updating the relevant ISO committee, so it looks quite modern. However, if you look at the code base, created without new standards (or just older), this feeling may change.

The problem of compatibility has put these languages ​​at the top of a very high pyramid. C ++ has been around for about 40 years, C for ten years longer, and there's no reason to assume they'll be gone any time soon.

As mentioned above, their popularity is mainly due to the need to ensure compatibility with obsolete code databases. C ++ was designed with this factor in mind, so the two languages ​​are closely related.


This language has a rather sloppy syntax, but it deserves credit: Python has come a long way in the last thirty years.

Like C and C ++, it remains popular because of the need to ensure compatibility with previous versions of the software. However, Python differs from them in simplicity and ease of use.

Python is easy to learn, which makes it an ideal choice for beginners and increases interest in this language. Simplicity - perhaps its main advantage.


Java code can be difficult to read without good accompanying documentation (which is much rarer than you would like).

The language has more modern alternatives that allow you to achieve the desired results with less effort. Despite this, Java is consistently among the top five in the TIOBE index, which measures the popularity of programming languages ​​- which means that it has a lot of fans.


Apple created Swift with the sole purpose of replacing Objective-C. Apple's support will ensure the longevity of this language.

It can be called the main competitor of languages ​​such as C, C ++, Objective-C, and even Rust. Swift is designed to work at a lower level than Java or C #, so it is sure to have followers because it is useful not only for frontend application development.

Some programming languages ​​that should also be mentioned
They also have potential, but for various reasons are not yet (or already) in the top 5.


The only reason this language is not in the main part of the list is that it appeared relatively recently and has not yet won the support of a large corporation like Apple. However, Microsoft has added Rust to the list of languages ​​that work with WinRT, so it has serious potential.

C #

Also could get into the top 5, if Java is not spared in terms of its popularity.


This language will remain in use for some time due to the need to ensure compatibility with previous versions of the software. But this is unlikely to last long, given that Apple has already created Swift in an attempt to upgrade the Objective-C.


PHP maintains its position in the top ten TIOBE index for 20 years. Constant use in web development makes it a real titan in this field.
Madhuranjan Kumar

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