8 Bad Habits That will Destroy Your Laptop

Properly covered, it will withstand a lot of adverse conditions. This is especially true for computers and laptops. If you think that devices break more often than it should, perhaps the reason for this lies in the following habits.

8 Bad Habits That will Destroy Your Laptop

1. Leave the laptop on soft surfaces

Heat is the deadly enemy of the computer. When it overheats, the processor starts to run slower to lower the temperature, and the computer itself may even shut down. If it runs at high temperatures for a long time, it shortens the life of the processor, fans, and battery - not to mention that the device starts to make noise and heat up a lot.

For a desktop computer, the solution is quite simple - make sure that it receives enough air, and the fans cope with the cooling. Do not keep the computer in a cramped office or other hot room. You may need to remove dust with a special vacuum cleaner. If you overclock your computer, monitor the voltage and temperature of the processor.

Laptops require more attention. They are easy to move from place to place, so you may get into the habit of placing the laptop on a blanket or other surface with a pile that does not allow air under the device. Try to place the laptop on flat surfaces (so that its legs slightly raise the device above the table) or at least make sure that it is not covered by a blanket or other object that blocks the flow of air. An excellent solution is a laptop stand.

2. Do not clean the computer from dirt, dust, or liquids

All computers collect dust, so over time their parts begin to heat up, and the fans work worse. To avoid this, you need to clean the device regularly.

Tobacco smoke and animal fur can aggravate the problem. If you place the laptop on the floor, it can get even more dust, hair, and dirt, and the carpet on the floor is sometimes blocked by a fan. It is best to place the device on a table or stand. In addition, make sure that there are filters on the vents.

Do not eat or drink near the computer. At least try to do it more carefully - crumbs in the keyboard can affect the operation of individual keys. And spilled coffee can instantly destroy a laptop.

Detergents are also harmful. For example, it is not recommended to wipe the screen with the glass cleaner - it is better to spray a soft monitor agent on a microfiber cloth and use it to remove dirt. It is important not to overdo the amount of cleaning solution.

3. Careless handling of the laptop

If the desktop computer is at rest, we treat laptops much safer: some people carry them behind the lid, lift the screen with great effort, throw on the couch at the other end of the room and even use a laptop as a stand for drinks.

The more we use a laptop, the more likely it is to be damaged. At best, the screen hinge will break or the case will be scratched. If your laptop has a standard HDD instead of an SSD, move it as gently as possible.

4. It is incorrect to charge the old battery

Even if a laptop battery is now enough for eight hours of operation, this does not mean that it will always be so. Over time, batteries will inevitably wear out, but this process can be slowed down.

To extend the life of the battery, it is best to discharge it slowly and charge it frequently. Of course, you should not worry too much about this - if you are on a plane and you need to work, nothing bad will happen if the battery is completely discharged.

If the battery swells and presses on the notebook case, creating a gap between the panels, you must immediately stop using the device and replace the battery as soon as possible, following safety precautions.

5. Neglect electrical safety

The computer uses a lot of electricity and it is vulnerable to its changes. The mains voltage may increase temporarily when you plug in another high-performance device or if the mains in your area is unstable. A special voltage stabilizer will help secure the computer. It is recommended to replace it every three to five years. It will not protect against high voltage surges (such as lightning), but will handle small increases and extend the life of your computer.

If you are willing to spend more money, buy an uninterruptible power supply. It will help save data on your computer even in the event of a sudden power outage.

The laptop's power supply requires even more attention because it is easier to damage. After that, it will not only become unreliable, but also be able to cause a fire. When turning off the power supply, always pull the plug, not the wire, and do not turn it too tight.

6. Press on cables and ports

A broken USB port is not as serious a problem as a faulty charger, but it's best avoided. If the flash drive is not inserted, you should not make an effort. You also do not need to bend the device inside the port - this will damage both the flash drive and the port.

If you constantly bend the cable, it may break inside. Keep it as far away as possible from animals that can bite through the plastic, and do not twist the wires too tightly.

7. Spend time on unnecessary services

In the days of Windows XP, when computers were slower and the choice of components was less, deleting unnecessary files from a computer could significantly speed up its performance. However, most cleaning programs simply frighten the user into buying a paid version.

Moreover, some utilities can even be harmful. They delete the required registry entries, causing the computer to crash. And new applications that allegedly protect personal data on Windows 10 may conflict with some programs. As a result, the user does not understand why the computer is malfunctioning.

If you want to clean the hard drive, use the built-in Windows Disk Cleanup feature. And if your computer is slow, try removing or restarting the startup programs - if that doesn't help, it may be time to upgrade.

8. Do not use antivirus

Even trusted sites can be infected with malware. Protect yourself by installing an antivirus. In addition, don't forget to update your software regularly (both Windows and other programs), use a strong password manager (instead of one password for all sites), and learn how to detect phishing links. Do not use pirated programs (they often contain viruses) and protect your home Wi-Fi with a password.

Madhuranjan Kumar

Blogger | Writes blog on Technology, sports, diseases, games, mobile reviews

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